Region 1

 DMCC/Hospital Net


The purpose of this net is to support and maintain the emergency communications capabilities of Washington State Homeland Security Coordination Region 1 hospitals and health facilities.  Region 1 includes Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom Counties.  


Disaster Medical Coordination Centers (DMCCs) are designated hospitals where trained medical personnel gather to help coordinate patient movement during an incident that may overwhelm the healthcare community.  DMCCs are responsible for supporting emergency medical services (EMS) and the healthcare community by identifying available beds and placing patients at the most appropriate facility, based on their injuries or illness, as quickly as possible. 

A DMCC is activated following an incident that may overwhelm the healthcare system such as a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) or hospital evacuation.  An activation request typically comes from Fire/EMS at the scene.  A DMCC is operated by trained emergency department staff that may consist of doctors, nurses, technicians, administrative personnel and/or EMS partners. 

The DMCC/Hospital Net supports the DMCC by providing emergency radio communications to facilitate the DMCC:

The DMCC for Region 1 is Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (Colby Campus).  The Alternate DMCC for Region 1 is PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center, Bellingham.

Net Information

This net is held every Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m., initially on the Cultus repeater.

223.860 MHz, -1.6 MHz, tone 103.5 Hz (CULT2 repeater),

with a second phone check in on one of the following frequencies:

                 147.540 MHz, simplex, tone 162.2 Hz (HOSPX1)

224.160 MHz, -1.6 MHz, tone 156.7 Hz (LKOUT2 repeater)

  444.350 MHz, +5.0 MHz, tone 100.0 Hz (CULT4 repeater)

The frequency/repeater will be promulgated via weekly Email from the net manager. 

Primary Net Control Station (NCS) is Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (Colby Campus), the Region 1 DMCC.  Alternate NCS is PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center, the Alternate DMCC.  NCS duties for the weekly net are performed by one of the net members, per a schedule promulgated by the net manager.

There is also a Winlink check in.  Members send a Winlink message to the NCS and Alternate NCS prior to 9:45 a.m.  Specific message details are emailed to members prior to the Net.

During initial net voice check in, stations report the number of amateur radio operators available and the number of Winlink messages sent to net control.  If they conducted any OPS3 nets this past week, they also report the total number of stations and operators that checked in on those nets and the total number of digital messages received. 

Following each weekly net, the NCS reports the results on the Region 1 OPS1 Net at 10:00 a.m. and via a Winlink message.

Click on the buttons below for the NCS script, Net roster, Net Communications Plan, the Region 1 Amateur Radio Interoperability Plan, and information about volunteering as a hospital radio operator.

Net Manager:  John Sullivan, KG7WFQ,